

Complete Recruitment Solutions

Our experienced team will assist in your hiring process from start to end:
• We will source relevant resumes
• Carry out initial screening on phone
• Shortlist resumes
• Coordinate and schedule interviews
• Provide our valuable inputs in decision making
• Negotiate compensation
• Onboarding

HR advisory

we analyse your existing HR policies and practices, provide detailed reports highlighting its strengths and problems
We offer time-tested solutions to enhance your HR processes in many areas including-
• Talent Acquisition
• Compensation
• Training and Development
• Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Compensation Assessment

This is a process by which employers ascertain the salary levels of their employees in respect to industry standards
They want to pay fair salary so as to attract talent
This process is carried out by businesses regularly so as to adjust the salaries of their workers

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis is the process of identifying competitors in a given industry and geographical location and performing research pertaining to competitors’ Hr functions and policies, organisational structure, compensation and other relevant information.

Succession Planning

We assist our clients in identifying and developing talent within the organisation for key roles, executive, leadership positions
Basically, we help our clients to create a pipeline of future leaders

Leadership Hiring

Senior level hiring or leadership a recruitment service that is used to hire the best leaders for the position of senior executives in various organizations

Head Hunting

A headhunter is a company or individual that provides employment recruiting services on behalf of the employer. Headhunters are hired by firms to find talent and to locate individuals who meet specific job requirements.

Manpower Planning

Manpower Planning which is also called as Human Resource Planning consists of putting right number of people, right kind of people at the right place, right time, doing the right things for which they are suited for the achievement of goals of the organization.

Overseas Recruitment

Overseas recruitment & placement services involves hiring skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled manpower across a pool of talent available globally.